RTS88xx chipset based flatbed scanners - HOW-TO

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction

    1. Requirements

    2. Where to obtain the required software

  2. Preparing the system

    1. Linux kernel version and capabilities

    2. Previously installed software

    3. Device files (kernel method)

      1. With devfs

      2. Without devfs

  3. The test tool

    1. Full build

    2. Kernel method

    3. libusb method

  4. The SANE backend

  5. Places to look for more information

  6. Known Bugs (Caveats)

  7. Reporting Bugs

1 - Introduction

This project's goal is to implement a SANE backend for flatbed scanners with the RTS88xx chipset, the following document describes and explains the procedures to undertake in order to fully install and configure a working version of the package. Although the major aim was to write a SANE backend, to ease the testing and experimenting, a test tool was also built, it shares most of the code with the SANE backend, but provides a simpler interface and (hopefully) turns the building and configuration processes, as well as error and bug tracking more easy to cope with. Since this project is in alpha stage, it is therefore recommended that users build and use this test tool before trying to build the SANE backend.

As of the date of this writing, the package makes use of two distinct ways of accessing USB scanners:

The default under GNU/Linux systems is to build the package with both methods (if available) and let the user choose which to use at run time. Alternatively the user might want to build the package with just one of the methods, which is perfectly possible (see details bellow).

In all the examples below we will use the distribution file hp4470c-0.14b.tar.gz.

Please note that this tools are provided with no warranty, use them at your own risk.

1.1 - Requirements